ACNC reporting requirements

Donor database downloadable resource

Donor databases are technology systems that help an organisation consolidate and manage information about your supporters, to allow you to better communicate with them to ensure more effective fundraising. Also...

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Fundraising Institute of Australia

FIA Webinar Replay: 10 steps to CRM implementation

Thanks to our ongoing partnership with Fundraising Institute Australia (FIA), Alliance members can access replays of the FIA’s recent Data Week webinar presentations. 10 steps to a successful CRM implementation...

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ACNC Charities report 7th 2021

Australian Charities Report 7th Edition

BY KIRSTY WALLETT The Australian Charities and Not-for-Profits Commission (ACNC) has released it’s Australian Charities report for 2021. Released in May this year, the report is the 7th edition and...

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data and small charities

How data is driving change in small charities

This article from Charity Digital News in the UK shares how ‘big data’ can drive change in charities, even small organisations. Big data can seem like the preserve of high-end...

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